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You can reduce the risk of slip- and trip-related injuries by taking these steps

Although slippery floors are quite common in workplaces, they can be dangerous. According to HSE, slips and trips are the leading cause for workplace injury. Slips and trips are the leading cause of injuries resulting in 95% of all absences of more than three days from work.

Companies could be held responsible for the full cost of legal actions arising from an injury. A good management system can provide safe footing {Anyone at work, but particularly employers, can help to reduce slip and trip hazards through good health and safety arrangements. Everyone at work and in particular employers can play a part in reducing slips through proper health and safety practices. Proper health and safety can reduce the risk of slip and trip hazards. concrete trip hazard repair

Most effective solutions are easy to implement, inexpensive and provide other benefits. Planning can help identify potential hazards and establish goals for improvement. Employers and employees can work together to identify areas at risk for slipping and tripping.

The best materials, equipment, and work practices will help to avoid or limit slip-and-trip hazards from liquids. For example, anti-slip flooring and splash guards can be installed in areas where fluids are commonly used. Additionally, trips to cables can be prevented by using cordless tools and fitting anti-slip floor material. visit this website

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